Upton Men’s Club invites you to join them at their next meeting

Upton Men’s Club Meeting – September 16th

Members of the community are WELCOME !uptonmensclub

What are YOU doing Wednesday September 16 th

  • The Upton Men’s Club is a non-profit organization formed to serve the Upton community and is holding a membership meeting where we invite interested members of our community to see what we are about.
  • Will you be available? Interested in joining us? Be our guest for dinner at our monthly meeting, upstairs at the Rose Garden starting at 7:30 featuring a guest speaker.
  • For more about the Upton Men’s Club please see www.UptonMensClub.org or find us on FaceBook.

Questions, Suggestions and to RSVP please contact Steve Seserman, President at steve.seserman@verizon.net

Comments are encouraged! If this is your first time commenting (welcome!). Your email is required but not displayed. I ask town officials to use their real names.