Messy Fingers Science Program for Preschoolers and their Parents


Join Upton Town Library and Michele Bennett Decoteau for MESSY FINGERS, a hands-on, four-session science program designed for preschoolers aged 3-5 and their parent or caregiver every other Thursday this fall! Each week we will be using commonly available materials, natural objects, and lots of imagination to explore a particular topic. October 2 will be Bubbles, October 16 will be Balls and Inclined Planes, October 30 will be Pumpkin Explorations, and November 13 will be Dirt Lab. Caregivers will receive a one-page handout with book recommendations and simple activities they can use at home to continue the fun! This program is sponsored by Beginning Years Family Network. Space is limited for up to 12 children and 12 adults; please reserve your space in by calling ​the library at (508) 592-6272 or emailing Miss Nicole Note: All participants should prepare to attend all four programs, and there will be NO Afternoon Preschool Storytime on these dates. Each program starts at 10:30 am and lasts about 45 minutes. Always dress to get messy!

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