Mendon Upton Regional School Committee to Invite Department of Education to PARCC Parent Information Night

mu mendon uptonLast night at the Mendon Upton Regional School Committee Meeting Superintendent Dr. Maruszczak stated he is slowly getting feedback from the Department of Education and updated the committee on the PARCC field assessment testing timelines and expectations. Through a randomized process 2 classes from grade 3 in Clough and 2 classes from grades 5, 6, and 8 from Miscoe have been selected to participate in the PARCC field test.

The selected classes in grades 3, 5, and 6 are scheduled to take the PARCC performance based assessment for ELA on March 31, April 1, and April 2. The selected 8th grade classes are scheduled to take the PARCC end of the year assessment on May 19 and 20.

Dr.  Maruszczak said FAQ sheets will be sent to parents of students who are participating in the PARCC field test and that the committee will hold a general parent information night on March 12 at 7 p.m. Parents will be notified which classes will participate in the field test by February vacation.

Member Chris Russo asked if the committee can extend an invitation to the Department of Education to attend the parent information night, “Not that they are going to show up but I think we should invite them… This way they can defend it instead of us trying to defend it.” Dr. Maruszczak responded, “I certainly can put out the invitation.”

Member Diane Duncan wanted to know if parents can opt out. “When parents discover their kids are going to be doing this do they have the option not to have their child tested?”  Dr.  Maruszczak said, “Yes. We will put that fact in the FAQ.”

Dr. Maruszczak said later in the meeting, “I think it behooves us to work cooperatively with the state and DOE.” Dr. Maruszczak said he thinks the field test provides a learning experience for both the students and teachers; providing a feel of what the tests will look like. Dr. Maruszczak went on to say, “We also have to be very upfront and honest with our parents as well. If there is some type of extreme objection to your child participating in this we will honor your wishes.”

Dr.  Maruszczak said MCAS is still the gold standard and the district would not put any emphasis on the PARCC field test.


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